Treatment Centers for Heroin Addiction are Religious
Although some treatment centers are religious based, most of them are not. If you choose to practice religion while you are in treatment, you can but no one will force you. Religion can be a comfort when you are in treatment but if it is not no one object.
You Cannot See your Family or Friends During Treatment
This is just blatantly untrue. Most treatment centers encourage you to seek support from your friends and family after you detox. Friends and family should be a part of your support system.
You are Forced to do Things you Don’t Believe in or Want
No one can force you to do anything. Even in court ordered substance abuse treatment, you do not have to do everything the treatment center offers. If there is something that you find completely objectionable, you will have alternatives.
You have to be Rich to Afford Heroin Substance Abuse Treatment
You do not have to have a lot of money in order to seek treatment. Many treatment centers offer sliding scale payments and accept a variety of insurances. Also, treatment is less expensive than remaining addicted. Between legal fees and the cost of heroin, treatment is a lot less expensive.
There is Only one Form of Treatment
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are many forms of heroin substance abuse treatment. You should find out which form works best for you. You can do this by talking to a treatment center.
What to Expect from Heroin Substance Abuse Treatment
Making the decision to seek treatment for your heroin addiction is one of the most difficult things that you will do. Once you decide that you want to attend heroin substance abuse treatment, you might be wondering what to expect during it.
Participate in Individual Counseling
You can expect to have individual counseling. This one on one therapy is an excellent way to discover the cause of your addiction. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, individual counseling is one of the standard treatments for substance abuse disorder.
Participate in Group Counseling
In addition to individual counseling, you will participate in group counseling. Here you will hear the stories of other addicts in heroin substance abuse treatment. Their stories can help to inspire you as well as let you know that you are not alone. You can also benefit from the support that these groups provide.
Have your Medication Managed
Medication is a part of heroin addiction treatment. Doctors will manage your medication and possibly prescribe one of the medications suitable for heroin withdrawal. The most common medications are methadone, Suboxone, and burprenorphine. These medications will help you through the worst of the withdrawal.
You will also receive medications for any of the common co-occurring disorders that often go along with heroin addiction. Doctors will make sure that there are no contraindications.
Participate in 12 Step Programs
During treatment, you might also participate in 12 step programs. This is a program of addicts helping addicts. Here you will hear the stories of other addicts and speak about your own issues. This type of support is invaluable when you are isolated in treatment.
Participate in a Treatment Plan
Addiction specialists will be able to help you develop and keep to your treatment plan. This is a plan of action. It shows you the way that you will end your heroin addiction using a treatment program.
Triggers to Avoid During Heroin Substance Abuse Treatment
When you stop using heroin in treatment, you will have intense cravings for heroin. These cravings are often associated with certain things called cues or triggers. You have to learn what the triggers are and how to avoid them.
During heroin substance abuse treatment, you will learn how to recognize, avoid, and cope with your triggers, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. This is a vital part of your addiction treatment. The first thing you need to do is learn to recognize likely triggers.
Stress is one of the most prominent triggers for heroin cravings. During heroin substance abuse treatment, you will learn stress reduction techniques. Allowing yourself to get too stressed can trigger cravings that eventually lead to relapse.
Relationships Including Family Relationships
Relationships cause stress. When you are in withdrawal, it is best to avoid entering into a relationship because you will be subject to mood swings. While in treatment, you should also avoid entering a new relationship because you have no idea who you will be when you rediscover what you are like without the heroin.
Although family relationships can be a blessing, if your family life is strained, it is best to stay away from those who cause you problems. Arguing constantly or problems at home may cause you to turn back to heroin.
Being Around Heroin or Heroin Users
Under no circumstance should you be around heroin or people who use heroin regularly. Seeing it or seeing someone using it could cause a major relapse.
Smells Associated with Heroin Use
Smell is one of the most powerful triggers of memory. The smell of heroin cooking or being smoked can trigger very powerful cravings. When you are new to sobriety, it is best to stay far away from this smell.
The first step to avoiding triggers is learning to recognize them. As soon as you know what triggers your cravings, you are armed against them. Learn more on avoiding heroin addictions by visiting or you can check us at